Ethan was feeling malicious or destructive or needy for attention....whatever the reason, he decided to cut the shoelace on Hunter's new shoe. Since he was honest and admitted what he had done even before I had found the evidence he didn't get a time-out. However, I told him that he needed to buy Hunter a new shoelace and get him a toy costing three times what the shoelace cost. Ethan was beside himself, but didn't have anyone to blame but himself.
In order to get the money needed to make recompense we took several bags from Ethan's ever growing collection of plastic bottles to the recycle center.
Elle has been potty training and after walking to our neighbor's house she peed on their porch. This is the third time she's done it...I don't know what it is. Urge to pee translates into neighbor's porch? At least she's not making it inside... In any case she only had a shirt and panties on, but nothing substantial on bottom. She went with us as is.
Ethan counted the bottles out one by one to make sure he got the full CRV value. Weighing is faster, but you don't get as much.
We only had two pairs of gloves left, and Hunter took the other pair but promptly lost count before 30 and started over at one without accounting for the bottles already in the bin. He was excused from counting. Rather than sitting on the curb in the shade like he was told he tried throwing rocks in the parking lot, putting berries of an unknown nature in his mouth and making swords out of the various plant life in his immediate vicinity.
Garrett wanted to nurse right when we got there, so I tried to remain decent while simultaneously supervising Ethan in his count. A few times the wind caught my blanket, which was probably refreshing for Garrett in the heat, but somewhat embarrassing for me.
Meanwhile Elle was running around the Land Cruiser. I wouldn't have minded so much, but the Land Cruiser has a poor parking break that is complimented only by being in gear when parked. If knocked out of gear the vehicle could have started rolling and hurt somebody. She wouldn't sit down voluntarily. She's at a point now that she thinks it's cute to run the other way and then waggle her bottom at me when I can't quite reach her to impose my will. I finally did get a hold of her and cinched her down into her car seat eliminating the possibility of her wiggling out of the straps. She was not happy.
Counting took a lot longer than anyone could have guessed. Elle was thirsty and complained loudly about it in addition to being restrained. Hunter was thirsty too and Ethan was loosing the desire to count in exchange for a drink of water. As a complete twist of irony, we had no full bottles of water in the car to quench anybody's thirst on this particularly hot day. If Elle had pants on I could shut the car up and hauled everybody to the bank to get a drink from their drinking fountain. However, Elle's lack of imperative clothing prohibited the trip, as it would be quite voyeuristic.
We decided against counting the big black bag because the need for water was reaching imperative levels. I sent Ethan and Hunter to the bank to get a drink. Ethan came back alone and said the fountain was too high for him to reach.
Well, where is Hunter?"He didn't want to leave without getting a drink"
Go back and get himEthan came back a second time without Hunter. I figured Hunter would ask for a cup, or get a chair. Knowing Hunter he would figure out a way to get the drink. Hunter finally did come out with his shirt soaking wet.
Hunter, what did you do?"I got a drink"
Ethan said the fountain was too high. How did you get a drink?"I got a drink"
HOW did you get a drink?Hunter took his hat off and I noticed it was wet. "I used my hat"
It could be worse. He could have used his shoe.