Sunday, June 14, 2015

The virtues of being a nudist

The children shed clothes EVERYWHERE. They're like long haired dogs but worse. I wonder what people must think when they come over and it looks like the washing machine barfed all of the front room. Socks, underwear (shamefully, yes), shoes and random pieces of clothing all over the front room floor. And how is it that while at home I am constantly tripping over shoes, but when it's time to go, nobody can seem to find a matching pair?

When clean clothes are taken from the laundry room to the bedroom the children are given strict instructions to put them away. Inevitably the clothes are dumped out in a big pile and jumped in like a pile of fall leaves. This poses an entirely new problem. Since there were already dirty clothes on the floor each article of clothing must pass the sniff test to determine whether it goes into the drawer or into the dirty bag. It's not that we're not picking the clothes up. We DO! Every evening we get the children ready for bed and pick up ALL the dirty clothes off the floor...just like we did the night before. I just don't get it. Where does all these dirty clothes come from? I'm starting to suspect the knomes again.

Socks are by far the worst. The children will run outside in their socks. Come inside take them off run around barefoot. Want to go outside, get a NEW pair of socks. Mom insists on shoes this time. Come back in. Shoes go off. Run through spilt water on the floor. Take socks off. Get new pair. Within just a few days a two week supply of socks is exhausted. Since the socks get thrown to random places instead of into the dirty bags they don't get washed in the regular rotation. Then I get blamed for not providing them with clean socks.

Getting dressed in the morning is like pulling teeth. A broken record can't possibly repeat itself as much as a mother does with her children. Elle will wander around quite happily in just her underwear.

I am starting to see the virtues of being a nudist.

The scraps of paper left behind after making an army of paper people. I love that they're so creative, but the mess left behind is epic!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I'm a Mormon

My profile is on

Hi I'm Aimee