Thursday, July 21, 2016

Turning 40 - Facebook 21 Jul 2016

April 1989 my father's sister Rosie Dawkins flew out for a visit. My favorite aunt!!! 😁❤️😘 I was 12 at the time. On the morning of my dad's 40th birthday she decorated our yard with happy birthday over-the-hill banners, yard signs and other decorations. I know now it was fun sibling teasing and done completely out of love, but my dad tried to take some of it down before he went to work. As a child I assumed it was because he was ashamed of being SO old. In reality he probably just didn't like the attention on display for our neighbors. Despite my adult perspective of his reaction to birthday attention, I've still associated 40 as the end of youth and dreaded it. So here I am. The world hasn't come to an end. I feel pretty much the same. Maybe I won't hide under a rock today.

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