Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Marriage: which end?

There once was a young new bride on her wedding day preparing to walk down the isle. Her mother came in to see the bride one last time before she would be a Mrs. The bride gushed to her mother, "I'm at the end of all my troubles!" The wise mother responded, "Yes, but YOU don't know which end yet."

Marriage IS just the beginning of the biggest challenge you will ever face. Who you marry is the ONE decision that will impact your life for good or bad more than any other.

Your spouse should be your very best friend. You should be the one go-to person they can always talk to about anything and everything. They are your ballast that keeps you steady. You have their back as they tackle the world. And visa versa.
Marriage is Yin-Yang balance. Equally yoked.

You may find that your weaknesses are their strengths. Their strengths may be your weaknesses. When united, you are unstoppable.

Life is already challenging. Marriage is even more challenging. It may look like a shiny, happy fairytale when portrayed on Facebook but it's compromise, sacrifice, humility, service, patience, and a myriad of other trial-by-fire virtues that will either break you or force you to be better.

Marriage is a choice. It is THE choice of whom you are going to love. Love is NOT a feeling. It is a verb. Choosing to love, even when the infatuation is gone. Wanting the very best for this one person even if it means personal sacrifice. Serving, even when you don't feel like it's your turn to...whatever.

When done right; when you both learn what love really means; when it's no longer all about either of you; marriage CAN be a beautiful thing.


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